Thank You

August 9, 2017

Thank you for setting me up with something I would never be able to do by myself.

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Words of wisdom

August 8, 2017

He who knows, and knows he knows… He is a sage: Seek him. He who knows, and knows not he knows… He is asleep: Wake him. He who knows not, and knows he knows not… He is a child: Teach him. He who knows not, and knows not he knows not… He is a fool: Shun him.

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August 8, 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce non augue sit amet sem mollis dignissim. Duis vitae lacinia quam. Donec purus ligula, venenatis posuere nunc vel, dictum luctus ipsum. Vestibulum at quam ullamcorper, lacinia diam ac, bibendum ligula. Aenean consequat mauris eget ante vestibulum euismod. Mauris faucibus iaculis lorem sit amet porttitor. Mauris enim felis, hendrerit vestibulum suscipit a, semper eget felis. Nunc viverra, metus vel faucibus ultricies, neque est consequat velit, eget euismod mauris velit et nisl. Praesent nec turpis sed elit euismod viverra. Proin arcu metus, convallis eu euismod sit amet, imperdiet eget arcu. Morbi facilisis lacus ac ornare hendrerit. Pellentesque eget congue ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ultricies pulvinar neque id elementum. Nam felis eros, commodo a faucibus id, vehicula id eros.

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Look carefully.....

August 2, 2017

Look carefully at your mother…she’s the person you will probably become. Look carefully at your daughter…she’s the person you probably were. And both of you, look carefully at the grand-daughter…she’s probably going to be more than both of you.

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Two Malkohas and an unknown Owl Valley School, 300717

August 2, 2017

The fifth Sunday of the month, when it occurs, is an occasion when the “bngbirds” umbrella birding group of Bangalore does not have an organized bird walk; it’s time for most of us to earn back some brownie points, or at least get out of the doghouse, by attending to home,families, and other social commitments.

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