The Red Velvet Mite, CWLS, 310716

August 3, 2016

On a visit to Cauvery Wild Life Sanctuary (CWLS) on Sunday, we found a

Red Velvet Mite

crawling along the ground.


Red Velvet Mites or Rain Bugs are arachnids found in soil litter known for their bright red colours but are often mistaken for spiders. They are about 2 cms across, in size, when fully grown.


They usually have only one breeding cycle per year…so seeing them is not a very common occurrence.

The oil from the red velvet mite Trombidium grandissimum is used in traditional Indian medicine to treat paralysis. Also, due to their alleged ability to increase sexual desire, Trombidium mites are known as “Indian Viagra.”


is the Oatmeal’s take on this fascinating creature and its mating habits!