Drawing, chatting, and playing house, STL, 270814

August 29, 2014

KTB’s drawing is improving apace; here she is, explaining who the people are (her friends, Ananya and Aditi, along with Teddy Naryanan, who was given to her mother by her mother’s uncle in 1988…and Pinky Bear, who was a gift from KTB’s great grandmother.)…and how they are sleeping:


She drew a cat:


And her parents


While video-chatting to her Nana and Grandpa in Maine: DSC08315 v I rig up a "house" for her (which she really loves to play at) after loud complaints that her brother was messing up the one she built for herself on the corner of the sofa: DSC08340 She enjoys being in it: DSC08335 She likes looking out, once in a while: DSC08340 She's describing her pets in her house, and her purse: Here's the purse, held out for inspection:' DSC08344 Kalyan looks very innocent: DSC08308 But..off course Kallubhai has to get in on the act here too: DSC08332 He offsets the act of invasion with a charming smile: DSC08345 Here's KTB in her "house", with the Bad Dog Walker (who as usual makes a beeline for the camera):

Due to Kallubhai’s truly terrible habit of heading directly for the camera every time he sees it, most of my shots of him look like this:


KTB finally comes out through what is apparently a side entrance:
