A walk in Linkoping, 170614

June 24, 2014

We started with the Linkoping Station.


Where the trains went to and fro busily:


where the amount of lumber being transported on one train was awe-inspiring:


PC ( Prashanth Chengi) was getting ready to click, too!


This sculpture looked as if Casper the Friendly Ghost and his friends were having a picnic there:


Here;s PC with the station in the background: IMG_1014 I clicked this EURASIAN TREE SPARROW: IMG_1018 and this EURASIAN BLACKBIRD: IMG_1022 But that was when the (European, not Eurasian!) buildings caught my eye: IMG_1028 IMG_1034 IMG_1039 IMG_1042 IMG_1045 this is not a black-and-white photo! IMG_1046 IMG_1056 IMG_1060 IMG_1063 IMG_1028 IMG_1066 The same place, later in the dusk: IMG_1071 Some smaller touches were lovely, too: IMG_1062 IMG_1031 What does this design mean? IMG_1050 I don't know the story behind this statue: IMG_1047 I wish telephone manhole covers were always this interesting! IMG_1055 Sometimes, the best fashion is no fashion at all: IMG_1064 Magnet Madrass? :D IMG_1065 this funeral parlor was right next to the Income Tax office! IMG_1032 I agree, bingo can be rotten, especially when you have ONE number left and everyone gets all the prizes before you: IMG_1051 Cobblestones are quaint, but they ruined the wheels on one of my suitcases! IMG_1044 Dusk falls only by about 10.30 pm: IMG_1058 Prashanth treated me to dinner at "Yogi": IMG_1067 He had prawn Biryani, but the thought of the bill was apparently enough to prevent him from smiling: IMG_1068 But he smiled when I reminded him that we were celebrating his successful completion of both Halv-vattern (150 km) and the full Vatternrundan (300 km) on successive weekends! IMG_1069

We walked past this lovely seat on our way home:
