Wedding bells for Alex and Claire...Circus Flora, St Louis, 120614

June 13, 2014

​Wow…Ruth…thank you for sending me this link.​

(On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:13 PM, Ruth Hartsell wrote:) watch the video…..this is the guy that you met on the plane previously…..guess they are going to get married…..nice story……

​Lynx, Duck, Tonty…I’d first met Alex Wallenda on a flight out of St.Louis:


And last year, when I voluteered at Circus Flora with Ruth (who has introduced me to so many volunteering opportunities in St.Louis!), I met Claire and Alex:


almost exactly 2 years ago! (15th of June!)

Alex, Claire…it’s lovely to see you getting together in the holy bonds of matrimony….I will be in St.Louis from August; I do not know if you two will be in St.Louis there, or practising elsewhere…but wherever you are, our good wishes go with you, for many more happy years of togetherness!

My family, including my grandchildren, came and watched the circus a few days ago…so I thought they, too, would be interested in the wedding bells ringing out!

Lots of love, Deepa.