
February 5, 2014

Here’s the family, on vacation in Hawaii:

DSC08265 ds n 2 kds hwi

<lj-cut text=”more photos…” <a=”<a” href=”” title=”DSC08282 dna fam hwi by mohandep, on Flickr”>DSC08282 dna fam hwi</a>

Here’s K2 on his actual birthday, the 28th of January:

a booda 280114

With his sister:

booda boodi 280114

Fixing the dishwasher when it ain’t broke:

a booda fork  020214 3

Forking it out:

a booda fork  020214 1

He had a birthday bash with a friend:

bday cake booda 020214 Stl

Hitler wonders what he’s done with his mpustache:


The family with the cake:


Here’s KTB, riveted by her first theatre experience:

a boodi 190114 thtre


Here’s a pic of sibling love:

double ksm

And finally, here’s KTB describing “a shark eating a fish,under the water,eating a fish and two clams sitting on the ground talking to each other, and watching the shark eat the fish, and the pearls never fly out of the clams when they talk.”

My wonderful grandchildren…the great joy of my life! Thanks to the parents for most of these pics.