KTBs drawing, 050114

January 6, 2014

This is going to be an unabashedly proud-grandma post.

KTB, I must say, has morphed into “Boodi Ma” (which means “old woman” in Bengali..don’t ask me why I started calling her that….there is no logic for nicknames).

The last few days have been bitterly cold…tomorrow is going to be zero degrees Fahrenheit..and that’s the high for the day!

But being snowbound has meant that DnA are spending “quality time” with the children, and some of A’s efforts with KTB are here….she asked KTB to draw these buildings:

a k drw 1


a k drw 2

After that, this mythological being was produced:

a boodi god

Here’s A’s description of this god-monster being:

” Collaborative monster with a spear, quiver of arrows, arrows, a bow, rings on his fingers, encircled in flames, big hair, a multi colored belly button, nipples and, of course caught in the act of going multi colored potty.”

How I wish that I too was there with my little Boodi Ma, watching the flowering of her creativity! Well, I’m lucky that halfway across the world, I’m able to see and share in some of the daily activities, so I suppose I shouldn’t grouse!