Soft as sin

July 24, 2013

“Soft as sin”, said the words Of Jonna’s haiku. The words imprinted themselves In my heart. Yes, I thought…sin is soft. The soft temptation that calls one In the darkness of the soul To do things against one’s conscience. The soft sibilancy of illicit love Whispering in one’s ears…lust. The soft delight of food that is eaten For sheer love of eating…gluttony. The soft, insistent wanting Of more than one has…greed. The soft sounds of sleep That is beyond rest…sloth. The soft heat that comes to a head In a burst of temper…wrath. The softness of a poisonous remark Made against someone…envy. Sin does not stride boldly Into one’s soul; It slides in, softly, Slinking in, with slime.. With unseemly haste, we surrender While our good selves sleep. “Soft as sin”….so descriptive. The sibilance of the Serpent Is in those words.

The original haiku by Jonna:

“What does your name mean?” His voice tender, soft as sin. “Moonlight.” Then, he smiled.