FPF/Audubon 1st Saturday Bird Walk, 010613, Forest Park
This was supposed to be a walk to the Norman Probstein Golf Course, to see the gourds and boxes of the
about which I’d posted earlier,
However, the “official” walk was cancelled, due to possible inclement weather. Here’s the path as I walked up to the Visitors’ Center:
Several of us
enjoyed John Miller’s
informative talk about them…and since the weather had cleared up considerably when we emerged from the Visitors’ Center, several of us decided to follow Mark Glenshaw over to see the Great Horned Owls.
Mark and Brenda are nothing short of superb in their skills at spotting these birds in the heavy vegetation and the rainy, low-light conditions…so we were able to enjoy the sight of these majestic birds.
We saw this
male, showing why he is named so:
The common birds of Forest Park continue to fascinate and delight me! I’ve put up some of my SMS (Shamelessly Mediocre Shots) on a web album,
I’ve also written the narrative.
Liz was kind enough to give me a ride back home…it was 1pm by then! Another lovely Saturday morning, spent in my favourite haunt!