The train journey

December 12, 2012

I am still young-at-heart enough (or foolish enough) to love a train journey.


I love going over river bridges (this one is on the Godavari) 281112 godavar I love stopping at stations... Photobucket I enjoy looking at old stuff that's still in use... Photobucket The design of new stuff: design of seat 281112 I like speculating on the lives around the tracks... 281112 woman on trcks I still am thrilled when the train curves on the track, and look backwards and forwards at the other coaches: Photobucket 281112 train I like passing by temples lit up in the evening Photobucket

And the twilight…

dusk 281112

From October 23, when I became 58 years old, I have got a 50% off on tickets…and that’s a great boon for me!

Coming on a train journey with me? I’ll be only too happy to take you along!