Scaled-down spam....

October 27, 2011

What with inflation, even the spammerers have scaled down their operations, it looks like! Last week I had a enquiry (probably from someone’s hacked account) asking for suggestions for bed bugs “to go away from home” (sic). Just now, I got this:

“Hello My name is Linda Williams, My Dad Birthday is coming up on the 4th of November so i will like to order for grilled onions and peppers served with tortillas rice and beans for 200 GUESTS and it will be picked up by 3pm. so can i have the grand total cost plus and your shop address, your name , what major type of credit card do you accept also it will be pick up order can you handle it for me.”

Still puzzling this one out, because as far as I can see, Linda wants to pay me, not take my money…