Two curious creatures during the weekend...

September 19, 2011

There is such an incredible variety of creatures around us, it’s like having a treasure house surrounding us!

1 bgwrm bg 170911</a> In the second, the creature is further out of its "shell": bagworm 2 170911 bg In the third, almost the entire worm is visible. bgwrm 3 170911 bg This, Saandip Nandagudi tells me, is the BAGWORM caterpillar (Pachythelia sp), and it has collected the leaf-clutter around itself as a protective casing (which might also become its pupa later.) Of course, I suddenly remembered I could take a video... On Sunday, as we walked through the forest, we came upon another marvel...the walking twig! Can you spot it in this picture? stk insct  shivnhli bg 180911 You can see it to the left of the tree trunk here, long lines of life: stick insct long shvnhli bg 180911 And here, too: stick insect 3 bg 180911 Meet "Twiggy", the STICK INSECT, (I named her after a famous model!) she is in action!

I think I am content just roaming the scrub jungle, looking at all these little wonders!