The Yellow Lotus, Forest Park, 110711

July 12, 2011

This morning I took Malvika to see the minks, and we did see them, though they were not cavorting at our feet like they sometimes do…but the treasure of the day was happening upon a stand (or a float?) of


(Nelumbo lutea)

yellow lotus fp 110711

I’ve never seen yellow lotuses before, and was quite stunned at these beauties!

Nor did I realize that lotuses are native to the American continent, too, I’ve always thought of it as a kind of “Asian” flower!

We were lucky that the weather was cloudy and quite comfortable, and the sunrise was beautiful, whether at the pines:


Or at the creek:

dp crk sunrise fp 110711

The lotus and the sun are generally associated, and certainly, the flowers we saw were all facing the sun!