Visit of Stephen Silha and Gordon Barnett, St.Louis

June 23, 2011

Prelude: Two snorers (KM and KTB), two yakkers (AM and HS), and one thrasher (KTB)= woken up from sleep and hopeless to get back!

It’s been great to have 's cousin

Stephen Silha

and his partner

Gordon Barnett

over for a few days, as they attend the Bell Convention here.

I don’t often post what others say about me (better to hush it up, I feel!) but here are Gordon’s words about me, in early 2005, when they visited Bangalore for the DnA wedding….

“I already had a strong intuitive connection with Deepa, having met the mother of the bride first through her series of informative & entertainingly preparatory emails, beginning more than a year earlier, to explain the traditional wedding we are about to celebrate. She is a woman of rich texture, matching her writing style with a strong sheen of thought & sometimes sparkle, but more like the glow of unpredictable magma, flowing from a depth, yet involving much air & light.”

A bit more of “hag-ma” than “magma” perhaps….!

We went to visit Stephen’s old college, Principia, in Illinois; we had a wonderful day, and an account and some photos are


I’ll post a few photographs here, too, later today….meanwhile the next week promises to be very hectic, as we travel to Florida on Friday, for our niece’s arangEtram. I wrote about the preparations


We are going to be about 30 family members, and it’s going to be chaotic! I don’t know about internet access, or the time for it!