Jefferson City, Missouri, 300511

June 3, 2011

On the way back from the Lake of the Ozarks, we had a brief halt at

Jefferson City

which is the capital of Missouri:

jfrsn city mo 290511 sign

It’s interesting that Jefferson City holds the distinction of having been created specifically to serve as the state capital by a commission appointed by the Missouri state legislature in 1821.

We saw several heritage public buildings, such as the State Capitol: jfrsn city stt captl blding 290511 And this lovely building right opposite it: pblc bldg ds We walked towards the Governor's Mansion through a lovely park: guv mnsn and walk 290511 jfrsn city Here's the close up of the fancy Governor's Mansion: guv's mnsn 290511 jfrsn city And one of the rubberneck taking the photographs, right outside the gate: jfrsn city 290511 guv house mrror What a lovely sight, on Memorial Day, to see the Stars and Strips lit up, not by the lamp to which it was tied, but by the evening sun! flg and light jfrsn city 290511 I even got in a bit of was lovely to see this Housefinch on one the columns of the Capitol, this one's really a "high-up" bird! hsfinch captil jfrson city 300511 We walked to the railroad tracks, with another historic building there: hrtg bldg 290511 jfrsn cty Here's another view: mzda hrtg bldg 290511 All of us got our "memorial" photographs! all of us 290511

We left the city to the last of the sunshine:

state capitol bldng throu arch jfrsn city 290511