A huge compliment on Mothers Day....
I forgot that
“In the LJ world after having stayed for few years now, I’ve got connected to a lot of people online and offline. Some people have just vanished but I don’t think it has created any big gap. Put simply, there are no complicated ties.
“There is this person on LJ who is just more than a LJ friend. I have laughed a lot reading the person’s posts, learnt quite a few things in the course of reading the posts regularly, always have felt very comfortable that there is someone that I can reach out to, a person who is very active, is filled with intelligence, care, responsibility, sensitivity and great humor.
“In every single work interview I had faced this question, “where do you see yourself in five years or ten years” (in another company :D where else? okay, jokes apart) If this question was posed to me in a personal situation, I would answer as, “I would see myself as a very evolved human being like this person”.
“On the occasion of Mother’s Day, I would like write a small note of thanks to DEPONTI for all the smiles & laughters she brought my way, for all the support and comfort she offered when it was required, for letting me understand various perceptions of life & people, for just being the wonderful person she is and for inspiring me to a hopeful future!
Why am I reproducing these words?
Makes me feel wonderful…yesterday something happened that made me feel down, so I really needed this :)
Whenever I feel down or useless, I will come back to these words.
I want to say that the internet, and LJ, have been wonderful places for me, contrary to all the horror stories I heard when I started blogging. Thank you to every one on my friends list on LJ, whether or not they are mothers! :)
I don’t know when I will meet some of the people I like so much on LJ…but whether I do or not, they remain friends in the true sense of the word!