One known, two unknown...

October 29, 2010

Last Sunday,Krupakar, and his wife Pooh (Poonam), Vittal and I all went for a short, gentle trip to Bannerghatta Zoo Area.

We saw this


common gul 241010

and that is the “known”;

what is unknown is…

what are these


doing? “Mating” would be an easy answer, but it doesn’t seem as simple as that….

(Sorry, the pic is out of focus!)

cotton stnr bgs mating? 241010 bg

Insect yoga?

And then I saw, on a small leaf, this conglomeration of caterpillars:

caterplrs 241010

I do not know what cats they are, why they’ve all huddled together like that…can anyone throw some light on this please?

It reminded me of

this post

by Anush; he was given the info that it helps the caterpillars to survive.