Kabini...some of the birds

October 22, 2010

We sighted an impressive 108 species of birds in the 2 days at Kabini….let me start with a visitor to our shores, which does an amazing feat of travelling, the


barn swlw clsup 191010

There will be more of this bird later in the post, which contains

LOTS of birds, see at leisure only….

One of the common ones that we started the trip with, was the RUFOUS TREEPIE: rfs trpie 181010 Other travellers from afar were the YELLOW WAGTAIL: yellow wagtail 181010 and the GLOSSY IBIS: glossy ibis 181010 Other birds in the paddy fields on our way included the WOOLLY-NECKED STORK; wooly nckd strk 181010 Here are two of them! wlynckd strk 181010 In a water body adjacent to the road, we were delighted to watch this COMMON COOT family (I've never seen Coot chicks before...they are such 'cooties'!) swimming around: coot family 181010 A beautiful PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA posed next to a water lily: phsnt tld jacana 181010 At the Kabini campus of JLR, we enjoyed watching the antics of the HOUSE SPARROW: house sprw mle 191010 here's a young one out "on the tiles"! house sprw juv 191010 On the jeep safari, we were lucky enough to spot three different vultures! Alas, the top of the jeep being closed meant that I could not get a photo of the King Vulutre, but I twisted around enough to get SMS (Shamelessly Mediocre Shots) of the LONG-BILLED VULTURE long-billed vulture 191010 and the WHITE-RUMPED VULTURE white-rumped vulture 191010 An old and beloved common raptor was this BLACK-WINGED KITE: bw kite 181010 Regular sightings in the forest always include the CRESTED (CHANGEABLE) HAWK EAGLE che 191010 and the equally beautiful CRESTED SERPENT EAGLE: cse 191010 We were able to see many varieties of Woodpeckers; here's a WOODPECKER silhouette: wdpckr slhtte 191010 and a WHITE-BELLIED WOODPECKER on a tree-trunk: wdpckr 191010 The beauty of the MALABAR PARAKEET was stunning: mlbr prkt 191010 kabini A JUNGLE MYNAH preened itself before us: jungle mynah 181010 I also decided to take a shot of the COMMON MYNAH as Shreeram said it was quite a difficult bird to photograph...don't you like the light on the bird? common mynah 191010 One music-note-tailed bird was the RACKET-TAILED DRONGO: rkt tld drngo 191010 We saw several of the CHESTNUT-TAILED (MALABAR) STARLING: chestnut tld strlng 191010 A handsome, very young GREY JUNGLE FOWL ran across the jeep's path: jngl fwl 191010 At several places, we found a WHITE-BREASTED KINGFISHER posing for us; here's one, preening: wbkfisher 181010 Here are more photos of the BARN SWALLOW on the Kabini backwaters: brn swlw 191010 swlw line 191010 We saw a GREY HERON on the backwaters, too: grey heron 191010 On the banks of the Kabini, we were stunned to see several ORIENTAL PIED HORNBILL families in the bamboo thickets: pied hrnbl 191010 earlier, we'd seen several of the INDIAN GREY HORNBILLS in the trees on the way to Kabini: mlbr gry hrnbil 181010 id Such large and beautiful birds! malabar gry hrnbl 181010 Here are what I call "Indian Grey Wagtails"! They move their tails to balance themselves, I suppose.... One bird which we were very happy to see was the BROWN FISH OWL and for the first time I got it when it was NOT looking right down into the water! b fish owl 191010 I've already posted about the GREAT CORMORANT

How I wish I could have photographed all the other birds (total of 108 species!) that we saw….but at least, though the light was fading, I got an SMS of the fastest bird in the world, the majestic


shaheen falcon 191010

You can see the bird list


What a wonderful and productive trip! Next up, butterflies, mammals, and others….and I’ll do a people post after that…by the time I finish all these, I’m sure to have gone on the next birding trip, too!