Its time to go home...

September 30, 2009

…for several reasons, some even more intense than others….one of them is the abcess that is growing into a kind of polyp from a badly-done root canal….luckily, it can wait until I get home, but it must be attended to immediately….

Good health is SUCH a precious thing, and so fragile; in a minute it just seems to vanish, the world turns upside down, and after that, one has to take things one day at a time…

Wish someone close to me were not being so severely tried….that person believes in astrology, I don’t…but I’m hoping that the astrological guide to the sufferings, which we will also undergo in an indirect way, will find a path out of the suffering, pain and trouble…it’s faith, actually, that will,hopefully, provide the key to overcoming this.