
August 18, 2009

I guess I used the words

cyclone warning

a little too soon.

This morning, as I walked to get the milk, I saw a thundercloud formation that I had never seen before..instead of roiling black clouds, these were lines and lines, looong ones, of shaded clouds, like the sands on a beach, slowly advancing.

We had a cloudburst in the morning..and then the weather cleared up enough by noon for KM to go for golf and come back at 3pm, suitably fried.

At 4pm, I went outside and this is what I saw:

storm clouds 170809

That…is NOT a black-and-white photograph!

I was just thinking about the scene from

“The Ten Commandments”

where the Plague begins to gather, preparatory to striking…

…then A called, and said, “someone in my office just looked at those black clouds massing, and mentioned that it was Old Testament weather!”

Right now, it’s pouring with rain:

170809 pouring rain

And I am missing the walks in the rain, the hot coffee…..