Images around the house...
Temperatures in the high 90’s, and GD-sitting duties, mean I am housebound most of the day…but I can still prowl around the house with the S10! All these images have been taken from within five feet of the house…
Early mornings, the lawn sprinklers come on across the length and breadth of suburban USA…
As I wandered around, at the very back on one hedge-bush, I found this beatifully constructed spider web. Now, that perfectly formed circle (the funnel in this one hasn’t yet been fully formed), and
told me that this is the
some more views:
Here’s the funnel web with a pen for size reference:
but as I watched, the spider ran off inside and did not come out again as long as I was there…then I had to go out….let’s see what it’s caught tomorrow!
This is a Life Under Foot post…life forms which are just underfoot, and literally under a foot or an inch, can be really fascinating!