A quiz for you....

May 9, 2009

What is common to these pictures?

A still life…music, food, flowers (that I bought for the baby’s arrival) and cards that express friends’ happiness, in DnA’s home….

still life 080509 S10

A wild rabbit (yes, it’s a wild one, the short ears and the bigger legs show that.) that I saw on my morning walk today…

wild rabbit st l 090509

What the rabbit did when I attempted to get close….

S10 rabbit running 090509

Some car owners have no doubts about who they are:

09509 god no plate

But others…well…stray from the true path…

090509 deviate no plate st L S10


Give up?

Those…are the first photographs on my


Canon SX10

ooooh, the stork has blessed our household again, this delivery has been a very joyful one (perhaps a little painful for KM though!)

sits back and waits for everyone’s good wishes