The Photo-Shoot Shot....

April 15, 2009

I got a call from Prasad , a freelance photographer who has moved to Bangalore from his native Hyderabad, and we fixed up 11am on Sunday as the time for the photo shoot. Prasad was very punctual indeed, but I don’t think he was prepared to be photographed in his turn!

Here’s Prasad with his brother, who is visiting from Hyderabad…

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Youu can see my LRT (Little Rattle Trap)in front, with the useful and uncool basket!

Prasad carries a variety of equipment, including a Canon 450D, a Nikon D70, and various lenses, filters, flash and diffusers. Here he is, getting ready to shoot:

prasad getting ready to shoot 120409

Once he took out his equipment, he asked me to cycle around the Mini Forest (which I was rather reluctant to do, as I don’t think cycles are allowed there) and started shooting.

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As the bushes nearly hid my little LRT from the camera view, we went back to the road, and it was very funny indeed to go cycling on the same stretch, back and forth, as he got his shots; I had to wait if there were other people or vehicles in the frame!

We also tried a couple of shots within my apartment building, but I refused to cycle on the lawn, and anywhere else wasn’t suitable.

I got them both “thimble chai” from the nearby vendor, and promised to look at his photo site, which I did…and I am properly impressed!

I do not know when the article will appear in “Harmony” magazine, or what it will say…but being interviewed and photographed was fun!

I did ask him to send me a few images, and he agreed, but nothing in the email so far…..perhaps they are all the property of the magazine!