The Butterflies (and Two Ants) Over the Weekend...
It’s amazing that just when I feel I am not totally ignorant about birds, I start noticing butterflies, and am back to square zero with ids….
I am posting all the photos I have, good, bad (they can’t be ugly because they are butterflies!)….and where I have blanks, could you please help out with the ids and be good friends?
Let me start with the known ones like the PEACOCK PANSY:
no. 9041 is also a PEACOCK PANSY, according to Aditya…
no.9044, a PIONEER, according to Aditya
no.9051,which is a COMMON LEOPARD:
I think that I shall never be An authority on a butterflea… What? It’s called a butterfly? Oh, I’ll tell you why I call it that..because I flee When yet another new one I see!
When I saw this image on my laptop, I did try to brush off the ant. So I am very impressed with myself (not for being so dumb but for taking such a snap)..I hope it displays as well on this monitor of yours….