
April 25, 2008

When I was in St Louis, I would, once in a while, buy the New York Times newspaper and bring it home. Once, when I did this, and was reading it, I came across an article on migrant birds being possible carriers of the Avian flu…and there was a picture of BAR-HEADED GEESE which was credited to M.Niranjan , who was not mentioned by name in the article.

I mailed Niri (I met him through the JLRNTP) at once, and it was very nice when he came home with Deepak to collect the newspaper.

The coincidence?

When a few of us had gone to Devarayanadurga, the TV Channel, “Kasturi”, had taped an interview with some of us (, , and Seshadri) and asked me to say what we were doing in the place, and to request for a hit Kannada song. Of course I requested a song from "Mungaru Male"!

And last Saturday, when I was sitting near my front gate, idly photographing the Brahminy Kite and wondering when I would get back in my flat, being locked out…Niri phoned and told me that he had just switched on the TV, and I was on the air with my friends, asking for the song! “Quick, quick, switch on the TV!” he said. I told him that I was giving our security guards some company for a while!

How funny that when one person has something to do with the media, the other person spots it, and it works in reverse, too!

Don’t miss this entry on Niri’s blog!

Here’s a BLUE-TAILED DRAGONFLY at Namada Chilume, Devarayanadurga:

blue-tailed dragonfly nAmada chilume 050408