Organizing something

April 21, 2008

Organizing a voluntary event is one of the most difficult tasks I know. First of all, I have to find out if each and every person is free; then sound each one about the event being proposed; tap into their enthusiasm, sometimes stoking up the same from apathy; making sure everyone has phone nos and details, and making sure small and big things go wrong.

All this is when the event is successfully organized. But before that, I will face the “Oh-I-can’t-come”s, the “Let-me-think-about-it”s, and worst of all, the “Who-else-is-coming”s, for whom, going with me is not good enough, there must be “interesting” people coming along.

And then, of course, are the last-minute cancellations….and the people who know how to get cheaper rates than I have negotiated, but couldn’t respond in time to do so.

And through it all, I see people who accomplish these thankless tasks, and also do them with a willing smile….

Take a bow, Clean and Green !

Here’s what I wrote some time ago ….and this, too