How NOT to wish people for the new year....

December 31, 2007
  1. Don’t do mass emails where you are wishing some three hundred and fourteen people. No one will take such “wishes” seriously.

  2. Do not hit “reply all” in response to someone who has sent you a 1. kind of email.

3.Do not do mass SMS-ing either. I dread the thought of my inbox tomorrow, really. ‘Twould be better (even if more expensive) to call and wish the person.

  1. And do NOT, do NOT, send anyone an email like the one I got just now.

It said, “H.Y.N.”, and also said that while taking a picture of the three figurines in the attachment, two of them fell down and broke. I kid you not.

This emailer needs to see a hyn-ocologist!

PS. I used to make all my greeting cards, but have stopped now. Pity, I really, really enjoyed making those nice pop-up cards and humour cards…