The Mottled Wood Owl Post
Aha, everyone who is NOT interested in birding/birdwatching…off to the next post in the friends’ list please!
On Saturday, Anush,Arun,Jaimon, Krish,Mahesh and I went to Lalbagh. The object of our quest was the Mottled Wood Owl that many birders have recently seen in Lalbagh. Of course, Mrs Murphy never goes with high expectations, preferring to appreciate whatever comes her way…but this time, after we had done a lot of other birding (including the SSO’s…Sainath’s Spotted Owlets, for those with memories worse than mine…Golden Orioles, and so on) we went to the area where they were supposed to be, and found….one number Mottled Wood Owl,which, JUST as I reached the tree, was mobbed out of it by the crows! We stood disconsolately around for a few minutes until one of us had the idea of looking in the direction it had flown, and saw the owl, sitting in the casuarina tree nearby. The light was (of course…!) behind it, but I managed this picture…
And to show that they were quite comfortable when we reluctantly left, here’s an image I call, Awake and Asleep….