Pleasant Surprise...and Migration to other blogs...

September 6, 2007

Got a call from (who has moved his journal to Blogspot, alas!)and am trying to maximize the very little time he has here, and see what birding we can do....completely forgot to ask him about Manasi Prasad, whom I got to know through and Radio Verve...and my friend in Tanzania invited her to Dar es Salaam for two concerts. She tells me that (who has ALSO moved to Blogspot, gaaahhhh...), Chirdeep and all, were buddies in engg college...

Connections are so convoluted, and in Bengaluru they sometimes have a way of leading over the same ground again, too.

But why is everyone moving to Blogspot? Is there something that I am missing? All it means is, I have to physically visit these people’s blogs instead of having them pop up on my friends’ list…of course there is probably a technical way to solve this problem, but I am not a “software” person and I don’t know how!