
May 28, 2007

The sightings of our trip to Bandipur over the weekend were truly amazing, and this in spite of the fact that we missed BOTH a tiger AND a leopard by a matter of minutes..we arrived on the scene to see the people in other vehicles still staring into the forest!

Bandipur seems to be, to me, always a place where young life is nurtured. Some time ago I had posted about the gaur and their calves and the wild boars and their young ones. Well, this time I saw several young ones too…I will post a few photos at a time, but to me, this young spotted deer fawn symbolizes the innocence and beauty of Nature:

Spotted deer fawn Bandipur

And here’s her mother, wouldn’t want to separate them!

spotted deer mother

There she is, with her diet of greens which is what keeps her slender and so beautiful…

And if you want to know where all those babies come from, this is how it begins…here are two Jungle Babblers, babbling sweet nothings into each other’s ears…

Babbling together

I almost felt like a voyeur, photographing those two!

Would you like to see the Pond Terrapin, the Monitor Lizard, the Elephant Baby and Mother, the Posing Gaur, the Myna cleaning the Sambhar, the Mongoose, the Crested Serpent Eagle, the Changeable Hawk Eagle, the Common Flameback Woodpecker……?

Ah, this space!