
February 19, 2007

Have you ever been in a mood, after 3 days of hectic activity, when you feel really not up to interacting with the world, where you just want to know what’s happened, but don’t want to engage quite yet?

I am in that mood now. My heart and my senses are still at Dandeli, where a hectic schedule and lack of sleep combined with intese interaction with the other delegates and a need to store, mentally and photographically, a lot of images.

I am looking through my LJ friends’ posts now…but a listlessness prevents me from commenting on each post, as I would normally do. I am content to just see what each friend has been up to, read the opinions, and look at the links….but I won’t become verbal or vocal just yet. Unusual for me to be quiet and not join in like a jungle babbler….

I will be back to the chattertable soon, no doubt. But meanwhile…the images of Nature in her splendour run through my mind…the beauty of the sunshine through the glittering leaves, the velvet darkness of the night, “all creatures great and small”, the wonders of the natural world that survive despite our thoughtlessness and greed and exploitation…and the many good people I met over the weekend, faces and personalities to match to names on the Net…

And of course BSNL broadband is helping this mood by acting up all day long. I am unable even to load my photographs on to Flickr, so the inaction is forced as well as voluntary….

Will bring my mind and heart back soon!