The Wolf Spider and its Nest the real websites
I have been having problems uploading the pictures from the bird survey at BR Hills…but I saw so much else that was also fascinating…so here’s my photo essay on the nest of the Wolf Spider.
The Wolf Spider makes a large web with a deep tunnel in it, where it rests, waiting for someone to “walk into its parlour” as the poem has it. Here’s what the nest looks like:
And heres’ a close-up. The nests were looking extra wonderful with the raindrops glittering on the strands of silk. There were many of them around.
If you look carefully, you can see the spider sitting inside the tunnel.
Now, here’s the spider, outside:
And at the entrance to the tunnel:<P></P> <IMG height=289 alt=”IMG_0089 Wolf spider outside the nest” src=”” width=500>
And here’s
Well…that’s the Wolf Spider and its Tunnel of Death (or Dinner, according to one’s point of view!)