I don’t really think this is an accurate reflection…according to this (just look at my own name right in the centre) I keep reading my OWN journal!! ( I seem to remember a blog by on this topic..waitaminnit, that LJ doesn't figure in this map either!)...and I don't know who this rattlesnake is, though I guess I must have visited at least once for it to figure.. I have not visited zweilinkefusse's defunct LJ for more than a year now....and where are all the other LJ's that I visit ,such as , ,, , and others?)
…and what of the other blog sites that I visit?
And to think they took more than a week to get this alleged map ready!
But just for the fun of it…here goes!
<IMG src="http://www.ljmindmap.com/r/?f=deponti.gif" useMap=#fruityClickMapDEPONTI><MAP name=fruityClickMapDEPONTI><AREA title="Bangalore, India - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" shape=RECT alt="Bangalore, India - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" coords=281,161,376,177 href="http://ljmindmap.com/h.aspx?n=birdonthewire"><AREA title="Amherst, Massachusetts - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" shape=RECT alt="Amherst, Massachusetts - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" coords=299,266,378,292 href="http://ljmindmap.com/h.aspx?n=oldhen"><AREA title="Bangalore, India - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" shape=RECT alt="Bangalore, India - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" coords=169,152,271,175 href="http://ljmindmap.com/h.aspx?n=say_yes04"><AREA title="Bangalore, Karnataka, India - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" shape=RECT alt="Bangalore, Karnataka, India - A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" coords=124,183,175,199 href="http://ljmindmap.com/h.aspx?n=nearfar"><AREA shape=RECT alt="A Portal to another MindMap!" coords=159,134,203,150 href="http://ljmindmap.com/h.aspx?n=kshah"><AREA title="A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" shape=RECT alt="A Portal to another MindMap! - A Portal to another MindMap!" coords=131,334,191,350 href="http://ljmindmap.com/h.aspx?n=sid_sree"><AREA shape=RECT coords=206,236,292,262 href="http://livejournal.com/~deponti"><AREA shape=RECT coords=119,296,279,322 href="http://livejournal.com/~deep_musings"><AREA shape=RECT coords=282,196,442,222 href="http://livejournal.com/~zweilinkefusse"><AREA title="My heart is in Bangalore !" shape=RECT alt="My heart is in Bangalore !" coords=281,294,371,320 href="http://livejournal.com/~varshax"><AREA title="Nagpur, Maharashtra, India" shape=RECT alt="Nagpur, Maharashtra, India" coords=116,202,208,225 href="http://livejournal.com/~swatisani"><AREA title="Nagpur, Maharashtra, India" shape=RECT alt="Nagpur, Maharashtra, India" coords=95,233,203,256 href="http://livejournal.com/~tariquesani"><AREA title="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" shape=RECT alt="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" coords=215,210,281,233 href="http://livejournal.com/~kalyan"><AREA shape=RECT coords=179,357,280,376 href="http://livejournal.com/~shortiyergirl"><AREA shape=RECT coords=213,133,265,149 href="http://livejournal.com/~sainath"><AREA title="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" shape=RECT alt="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" coords=152,115,236,131 href="http://livejournal.com/~rattle_snake"><AREA title="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" shape=RECT alt="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" coords=91,270,232,293 href="http://livejournal.com/~amoghavarsha"><AREA shape=RECT coords=253,177,316,196 href="http://livejournal.com/~sunson"><AREA shape=RECT coords=285,357,390,373 href="http://livejournal.com/~madrasi_in_mo"><AREA title=Missouri shape=RECT alt=Missouri coords=292,228,405,254 href="http://livejournal.com/~chaibacca"><AREA shape=RECT coords=254,328,414,354 href="http://livejournal.com/~shortindiangirl"><AREA title="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" shape=RECT alt="Bangalore, Karnataka, India" coords=186,178,248,201 href="http://livejournal.com/~yathin"><AREA shape=RECT coords=192,335,236,351 href="http://livejournal.com/~udhay"><AREA title=California shape=RECT alt=California coords=241,262,299,288 href="http://livejournal.com/~mmk"><AREA shape=RECT coords=252,111,326,127 href="http://livejournal.com/~asakiyume"><AREA shape=RECT coords=275,141,333,157 href="http://livejournal.com/~suzan_s"></MAP>