
March 21, 2006
came over and I had a look at his photos of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh..some of them are very good indeed, especially considering the fact that the light was pretty low. Amazingly, the rhinos actually look peaceful and happy and not at all the short-tempered brutes that they usually look like (and certainly the rhinos I have seen in Zoos do NOT look peaceful at all.) I never knew that rhinos actually had different expressions on their faces! Planning to take the naturalist course run by Jungle Lodges and Resorts over this weekend, but to me some of the fun has gone out of it as both my spouse and Amogh may not be able to take it. Oh well, Sanath and I should meet enough interesting people and interesting animals/birds during the 3 days of the course...watch this space! This is the first residential course I am going to be taking in a very long time; and I can't remember the last time I share a room, let alone a tent, with anyone except my spouse...I am still wondering whether I should wait for the next course, or do it now, as Nike asks us to do! While on the subject of rhinos...it was very ironic that after avidly going all the way to see the rhino, Amogh should have returned with rhinoallergy, which is a cold!...The root word, "rhino", is of course, "referring to the nose" (which is of course how the rhinoceros got its name, from its "pointed nose"....)